Key Biscayne Life Enhancement Forum | 2017 November

November, 2017

All the posts published.

Coffee has been the chosen beverage for literally millions of people around the world.   So why is the same substance literally a life saver for some people and a potentially deadly drug to others?  Thanks to the science of genetics we now understand the concept of different strokes for different folks.  It turns out that the enzyme that breaks down caffeine (CYP1A2) as caffeine passes through the liver, is genetically …

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Research Supports Nutrient Shields Against Ionizing Radiation In hospitals and doctors’ offices around the country, millions of innocent patients are unknowingly exposed to excessive radiation. The main culprit is the computed tomography (CT) scan which exposes patients to the equivalent amount of radiation received by atomic bomb survivors in the low-dose range.1 Published scientific studies document that these excessive amounts of radiation will result in catastrophic numbers of new cancers due to …

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Abstract Medical imaging has become a central component of patient care to ensure early and accurate diagnosis. Unfortunately, many imaging modalities use ionizing radiation to generate images. Ionizing radiation even in low doses can cause direct DNA damage and generate reactive oxygen species and free radicals, leading to DNA, protein, and lipid membrane damage. This cell damage can lead to apoptosis, necrosis, teratogenesis, or carcinogenesis. As many as 2% of …

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